Friday, February 24, 2006

Freestyle Junkies Label on Last.FM

Autumn Leaves is the name of the first release of music from myself and Sharad.. It features 8 tracks each of our more personal and easygoing music. There will be more releases from us in the near future and several other artists are preparing their music. For now, if you haven't joined yet - go and do it now!

Freestyle Junkies Page (Here you can preview tracks without having to register)

Cover art by Laurine Brugman
Listen to Autumn Leaves on Last.FM (You will need the player installed first)

Joined Last.FM

is wicked.. I'm loving it.. Teaching the system what music I like, hearing a lot of new music and created a Freestyle Junkies Label on there..

Great stuff.. Check it out..

It's like a huge database of tracks oriented by artist or label. The previews on the site are for reference, you use it as a radio station. Via the player you can generate a "Radio" station - by going to for example Plaid then clicking "Music similar to this artist" then the player will play artists that are similar.

You can click a tag - like trip-hop and it will play random tracks which are tagged trip-hop and you've got three buttons on the player:
and BAN IT
it's brilliant, it learns what you like and feeds it back to your profile.

My User Profile

Monday, February 20, 2006

Reposted the inbred:TV videos

BBC item about Inbred:TV Blueprint and the following project (Save as) (video codec if needed)

Photo collection

147 images from the end of last year (taken from 1000's).

I guess they describe my life in some ways. There is no particular order to the images because the camera naming system is shite.

Hope you enjoy them..


Monday, February 06, 2006

Turbulence photos

These photos are from Turbulence in Newcastle. They are taken by Sara Makari-Aghdam.

Download here

Noisia video online

SIN Drum and Bass was the launch event we organised in Groningen, Holland. Together with Noisia we put together the nights, I was responsible for visuals.

I made the video (the night before the event, hehe) and then a few days later I made this compilation as a demo. It took so long to get it online because we needed a better soundtrack.

The music is from BBC Radio 1's Breezeblock from when they played there.

Save this link

The video is in DivX format.

New tune

I wrote this about a girl I met from Paris on New years eve, just finished it today (well it's not finished actually)..



Friday, February 03, 2006


It's my new homepage, is linked to my old site until I launch a new one..

Check back soon..