Tuesday, December 13, 2005

New phone number and a bunch of new music

Illegal Entry
Dark Days

Here are five new tunes, enjoy.. You will be hearing about their release soon i hope.

My new phone number is +44 (0)77 8393 0777

Have a nice day and check back in a few days for a new video diary :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Uploaded video from India

This is a one hour "home video" of some of our experiences in taking the ashes of Sharad to India..

I hope you enjoy it. Link removed

You will need DivX6 or equivalent video decoder to view this AVI file. For non technical people, go here and download the "DivX Play Bundle". There is a link to the Mac download on this page.

Technical users might wish to use FFDShow - google it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wrote a tune for Sharad


Messenger conversation between myself and my cousin in Canada.

WARNING: This is a frank conversation between myself and a member of my family around the death of my brother Sharad. If you are looking for resolution about sharad's death, this might give you some idea.

There are details in there which are very frank and clear, and therefore may be VERY distressing to know. Please do not read this text if you are not ready to know (to the best of my knowledge) what happened to Sharad.

Email me if you want it

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Sharad commited suicide

At 0900 on the 23rd of September, my younger brother Sharad jumped from the Tyne bridge in Newcastle. I will write more details when I am in a better state and have recovered fully from this devastating experience.

I am writing this post from India where I have spent the last few days sending the ashes into the Ganges river and conducting the hindu rituals to cleanse Sharads (an our) souls for the future.

The day of the ceremony was very special and was a once in a 300year Solar eclipse which is normally a bad sign in Hindu beliefs but this one was a very special one. The hindu funeral cereomnies completed on the 13th day of the death (yesterday).

I saw my mother for the first time in 11 years, which was a necessary and strong experience. Now I am ready to move forward and have taken from Sharad's spirit. He was a wonderful person and everyone loved him.

He completed his own life the way he had lived it, full, determined, brutal. It has been a sick, painful, gruesome experience finding out the details of his death. From the recent events, the actual death and the family history that all came to light.

But let me tell you that I am stronger than I have ever been, calmer and more confident, more spiritual and positive. My young brothers life and death have given me the strength to do what I must do in my life and for this I am glad.

Please email me with any photos or other content you might have from Sharad to pras@social-computer.com

Sunday, July 17, 2005

New tune - Morning in Madrid

Title says it all..

It's very minimal, maybe in time i will add some vocalist or indian instrumental..

Download here

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Having a great time

I´m enjoying Madrid very much, I´ve nearly been here for two weeks. I´ve managed to eat okay and have found a room. Been climbing, partying, chilling and meeting loads of cool people.

I´m focussing more on the music and video side of things and am looking to secure a proper teaching job. i´m going to start with English teaching and go from there. There are lots of opportunities for video, music and social projects i think.

I´m living in a room that Lucia´s father has kindly offered )for a week or two( and then I will see if I have other places to go until i start bringing in a solid income.

For now, I´m meeting dozens of people involved in Video, Music, Sound and Lights and this I like.. The research and social political stuff can wait until I can eat. Fuck the world if I´m not taking care of myself!



Thursday, June 30, 2005

Left Groningen

I took the plane to Madrid and maybe will not return to Groningen other than to visit.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Joined forces with nullTV

I went to Vienna to meet with Nico Serda from nullTV. Also present was Ken Kostyo from the World Citizen Foundation.

Our discussions took us in and around global media, democracy, human rights, technological impact, social support, independence, corporate structure and re-structure etc..

We ended up agreeing that I contribute my work on Social Computer, inbred:MEDIA and OMNICORP to nullTV. I have decided to put myself 100% into nullTV and set up projects from there. My official role in this context is NEW PROJECTS DEVELOPER.

Also, I am helping to develop an internet infrastructure for the nullMEDIA spaces to support the channel itself (a global Sattelite and Cable TV channel).. So my role is also Technology Officer.. I will be able to support nullTV by strategically employing new and emerging technologies..

I am interested in the Marketing of nullTV and although this isn't my official title I am working on campaign ideas together with Nico to see how we can involve and include more people..

One of my first tasks was to write to author - Noam Chomsky in regards to an interview for our promotion/pilot.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Sharad and Pras perform together!

FRIDAY 13th MAY 20h-24h For the first time in over 7 years, we´ll play our own music together - at Kult in Groningen.

It´s free..



Illustration - by Laurine Brugman

Friday, April 22, 2005

Interviewed by http://www.bootstrap-network.com/

Here's a phone interview with Graham Stewart about Social Computer..

MP3 - 33Minutes Download or copy link into your player, to stream it..


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Went to Madrid!

I went to Madrid to meet my Brother Sharad who'd moved there..

Download the pics in a ZIP file!

Sharad has come to stay here in Holland for a couple of months also ..

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Really busy

Hi.. I'm not online much at the moment. So sorry...+31 648 256 492

Made a new mix

Made a mix for Sieger - All new tunes (new version of AS also).. You can listen or download it here

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Left Newcastle

A lot happened in my journey home. From personal, psychological and family improvements to projects, connections and opportunities. Today I know what I'm going to do. I.m not sure, of course, exactly how this will work out. There are a couple of projects I will initiate in Groningen before I leave. Secondly the Social computer research project will continue there.

My plans are several. Firstly I'm going to identify within English universities whether my high-end inventions are worth researching. For instance, a recent conversation with a neuro-doctor from egypt convinced and encouraged me to follow a couple of older ideas - namely the Perceptual Bridge (Neural Interface) and the Synesthetic Synth (Brain Machine). No details on this will be released or discussed, sorry.

I'll also continue to develop and combine Media projects, youth exchanges and computer work with children. There are numerous projects and possibilities comi ng together from the global voice project. Via the ModoFac project and, of course, through Graham(Picsie) some interesting new facets have also appeared. New connections are leading to more connection with like minds and doers. This gives me great confidence which was sorely needed.

Even on a basic personal level, friendships, relationships have improved my personal confidence and given me new fuel to go on with my challenging life. I've discovered my confidence again and resolved many internal conflicts which have held me back for years... Viva 2005

Monday, January 10, 2005


After three years of thinking it was gone and forgotten, my dancing jester wizard hat returned to me. You may see it bouncing around in drum and bass nights near you.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Global Voice Project ends!

Returned home from the castle. After 5 days of not much sleep and hundreds of intense 'Pras' conversations I needed to sleep. The project was great. A real diversity of people all with the common goal of developing projects together. This goal was well achieved and the outputting ideas, connections and, most importantly, friendships are sure to grow. Surely an amazing experience I will not forget.

Returned from Ford Castle

Just a quick entry before my proper write-up...

Pictures - http://inbred.tv/pras/gv

Video - http://inbred.tv/pras/3days.mpg

More soon

Saturday, January 01, 2005


Today I noticed a new energy. I can feel it in the air. This year is going to be a good one. From the moment the clock struck, i didn't find myself saying 'happy new year'. The words that came to mind were 'make it the best year ever'. The more I thought it and the more i said it, the more real it became.

If you're working on something close to your heart then be strong. If not, maybe this year could be a start.