Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Having a great time

I´m enjoying Madrid very much, I´ve nearly been here for two weeks. I´ve managed to eat okay and have found a room. Been climbing, partying, chilling and meeting loads of cool people.

I´m focussing more on the music and video side of things and am looking to secure a proper teaching job. i´m going to start with English teaching and go from there. There are lots of opportunities for video, music and social projects i think.

I´m living in a room that Lucia´s father has kindly offered )for a week or two( and then I will see if I have other places to go until i start bringing in a solid income.

For now, I´m meeting dozens of people involved in Video, Music, Sound and Lights and this I like.. The research and social political stuff can wait until I can eat. Fuck the world if I´m not taking care of myself!



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